With tenant advisors typically representing 90%+ of deals in a market, effective communication with this audience is critical to leasing success. For this reason, broker reach is the core purpose of most CRE leasing strategies. The challenge is that client data shows most buildings struggle to reach and stay top of mind with this key demographic, typically engaging only 11% of brokers each month via an email blast and another 3-5% through expensive, time-consuming entertainment.*

Undoubtedly, engaging only 14-16% of the brokerage community places a property at a competitive disadvantage in today’s leasing process.
At RealtyAds, our team is working hard to close this critical gap in broker reach. We’ve engineered AI that implements an effective, scalable, and secure paid digital advertising strategy—specifically designed to connect a client’s tailored message directly to brokers.
Success metrics from RealtyAds’ clients show an immediate and significant improvement in broker reach. The average account on RealtyAds improves broker engagement by 4.8x in the first month of service and has an annual opt-out rate of less than 1% (indicating brokers prefer digital mediums). Upfront projections allow clients new to digital channels to understand exactly what level of market exposure they’re purchasing before they invest any capital.
By marrying cutting-edge AI with digital advertising, RealtyAds can guarantee that it will be the single most successful medium for engaging the CRE brokerage community**.
*Data provided by clients via RealtyAds dashboard, showing an industry average open rate of 11%. Low open rates are not a reflection of content or poor marketing, but simply rather a poor channel. Many brokers set marketing emails to go to their junk folders or simply delete prior to opening. Additionally, be mindful of abnormally high open rates (35%+) as this is often an indication an audience is small via brokers opting out, unsubscribing, or dated contact information.
**99%+ of brokers spend most of their time online not on listing services or marketplaces, but rather on digital channels