There are two key stakeholders in nearly every commercial real estate (CRE) transaction: brokers and decision-makers.
For the best chances of a successful transaction, both sides must be aware of the offering, fully educated on the value proposition, and routinely reminded of the competitive differentiators. However, there exists an unwritten rule where leasing agents cannot call decision-makers directly. This means properties communicate with only 50% of the transaction’s stakeholders, creating a major problem in CRE marketing.

Help is here. By leveraging digital channels that 88%* of decision-makers use, RealtyAds’ AI creates a direct line of communication to a deal’s decision making committee.
RealtyAds’ AI further differentiates itself in its successful reach to decision-makers via a robust infrastructure of APIs. 24/7/365, RealtyAds’ AI is ingesting, processing, and updating hundreds of millions of data points on decision-makers, such as name, title, employer, and location. Each successive data point allows the artificial intelligence to more successfully match a client’s message to the targeted decision-maker online. The AI should be considered an extension of your team—a data scientist meets a junior broker that never sleeps, is constantly improving, and exists to amplify the leasing team’s messaging to decision-makers.
Successful use cases abound. When the leasing team is out to lunch with the tenant advisor talking about the deal, RealtyAds’ AI is simultaneously engaging the prospect’s decision-makers online. When a property misses a tour list, leading brokers in 115 markets across six countries use RealtyAds’ AI to generate interest directly from decision-makers (see screenshot). When leasing teams are looking for help identifying new opportunities, they turn to RealtyAds’ proprietary list of decision-makers, known as RITA Prospects—11,500 of which have been confirmed deals that later entered our clients’ leasing funnels.*
This direct decision-maker outreach represents a seismic shift in modernizing the CRE leasing and marketing playbook. Gone are the days of only reaching up to half of a transaction’s stakeholders. Now, properties must include a digital strategy to reach all stakeholders and compete as effectively as other buildings leveraging these tools.
*Data used since RealtyAds’ inception in Q3 2019. Deals were verified by cross-referencing when decision-makers started engaging with messaging on digital channels and later confirmed by leasing as having contacted the property. If leasing did not verify, those transactions were not captured in this figure.